๐Ÿ–‡ Link Slack and Linear

  • Dispatch Links
    Collaboration & Teamwork


Dispatch ๐Ÿ–‡ Links makes it much easier to use Slack and Linear together โ€“ by linking a Slack thread directly to a Linear issue.

If you use Slack and Linear, you probably spend a lot of time copy/pasting URLs and screenshots back and forth. And youโ€™re probably sick of hearing questions like:

  • โ€œWhere was that chat thread?โ€
  • Or, โ€œCan you send me a link to that?โ€
  • And, โ€œDo we have a Linear issue for this already?โ€

With Dispatch ๐Ÿ–‡ Links you can:

  1. Create and link new Linear issues
  2. Find and link existing Linear issues

How it works

Once a Linear issue is linked to a Slack thread, Dispatch posts a screenshot and link to the Slack thread in Linear. (2)

And the Dispatch inbox shows a Linear icon to indicate that the ticket has been linked. (1)

Linked Linear issues will display on the Inbox item (1).
See linked Linear issue details on the right sidepanel (2).


Create & link new issue

Q:ย what if there isn't an existing Linear issue?

You can easily create a new one from the top of the Linear sidebar.

Create new Linear issues from the Dispatch sidebar

Linear updates re-open the linked item in Dispatch

Q:ย What happens once there are updates to the Linear issue?

As soon as the linked issue updates, the linked item opens back up in your inbox.


Set up

  1. Go to the Dispatch > Settings > Integrations.
  2. Click โ€œConnectโ€ Linear, and follow the instructions to authorize Dispatch for your Linear workspace.


Watch the setup steps in the demo video here:


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