Introducing Dispatch Links đź–‡

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With Dispatch Links, you can seamlessly close the loop between Slack and Linear.

See it in action

Watch this 90 second video to see how to:

1. Create Linear issues from Slack threads

2. Connect existing Linear issues to Slack threads

Q: How is this different from the existing Slack-Linear integration?

First, with Dispatch Links you can link Slack threads to existing Linear issues.

Second, when you link a Slack thread, Dispatch posts a screenshot of the linked Slack thread as a comment in Linear. This makes it really easy to reference without your teammates in Linear having to jump back to Slack.

Third, Dispatch linked Linear issues don’t post every issue update back to the Slack thread. So it’s perfect for managing customer support tickets in shared Slack channels.

Q: Can’t I do this with Zapier?

Zapier is great for clean workflows: when you want to do the exact same thing over and over again.

But let’s face it: every team has messy workflows that don’t allow for that kind of clean automation.

Dispatch Links is for these messy workflows.

Dispatch Links tames the chaos of your messiest workflows.

Why Links?

To be a knowledge worker in today's world is to be constantly juggling 🤹

You’re probably sick of questions like:

“Where was that chat thread?”
"Can you send me a link to that?”
“Do we have a ticket for this already?"

There's much copy/pasting URLs, screenshots, and jumping back and forth between tools.

It’s chaos.

How did we get here? Why does this problem exist in the first place?

It all started with the move to cloud.

Cloud computing sparked the SaaS explosion

Once upon a time, all software was deployed "on premise". These were monolithic ERPs - expensive to install and maintain.

With the advent of cloud computing, the cost of delivering software fell dramatically.

Cambrian explosion of SaaS

With cheaper software delivery costs, we saw a Cambrian explosion of SaaS.

Niche, purpose-built tools replaced clunky ERPs.

Investors came up with new buzzwords, like “vertical SaaS”.

Ostensibly it’s a golden era for software users.

SaaS sprawl & SaaS fatigue

But the golden era of software soon gave way to a grim reality - knowledge workers are drowning in SaaS tools.

In 2015 the average company had only 8 different Software tools, a mere 5 years later that number had grown to a staggering 110.

And we're still in the early days of the move to cloud!

The market for traditional on-premise software is still larger than the cloud software market.

So cloud software has plenty of room to grow. And "SaaS sprawl" will likely get worse as the cloud software market continues to steal market share from on-premise software.

The average number of SaaS apps used per company has grown over 14X since 2015. [Statistia]


Against this backdrop, we thought:

"You know what the world needs?

...another SaaS tool!"



Oh god is it us? [xkcd]

Re-bundling SaaS at the level of your eyeballs

Dispatch Links is tackling SaaS sprawl by bringing your disparate tools together in one place ... like a really opinionated web browser.

It’s not quite like anything else that came before, so we’re not sure what to call it yet.

Our users have described it as…

  • “a work hub”
  • “a command center”
  • “a single pane of glass for Slack and Linear”
  • “the connective tissue between the tools I use everyday.”
  • “like a database join table between Slack and Linear.”

Whatever you want to call it, Dispatch Links makes it way more efficient to use Slack and Linear together. 🖇✨

We can't wait to hear how you like it.


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Stedman Blake Hood
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